
Q: What were you like as a kid growing up?

A: Growing up I was a quiet person and I stayed to myself. I have always had a love for music.

Q: Who are your influences? Why?

A: My influences are The Weekend, Partynextdoor, Shiloh Destiny, and Lil Wayne.
Their music speaks to me and that's one big reason I look up to them.

Q: When did you start making music and what are your biggest accomplishments?

A: I started music when I was around 8 or 10. (It may be younger, lol). My biggest accomplishments in regards to music are honestly nothing yet. I haven't accomplished the main goals that I've set out to achieve. One of my main goals is to perform and to have everybody singing my songs.

Read the full article in Vol 3 of Under Raps Magazine #Coming soon.

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